Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

The film describe the life of mine

Assalammu’alaikum wr.wb
Hallo everyone, I wanna tell you something about “movie best describes your life”.

The film describe the life of mine is "Negeri 5 Menara" which tells about the lives of six students who come from six different regions in Indonesia. They are together studying in Pondok Madani Ponorogo, East Java. After a few years of each finally realize his personal dream to reach the window in the world.
Me and my friends are from the same area, we together came to Pontianak city aims to study.
I Halwatiyah Hardianty Putri, I come from Putussibau and I just got graduated from senior high school, my education should not stop here, I should to continue to higher education again.
My ambition is the same with my best friends, they do not want to stop at a senior high school education, we finally decided to go to the Tanjungpura University the located quite far from our area Namely in Pontianak.
Initially we were very heavy heart to leave the people we love such as parents, sister, brothers, sisters and other relatives. but for the future, we must be against it all, we should be able to open a wider horizon to seek knowledge as much as possible to study hard at university we choose.
Our want is make the people we love are proud to us and in the end we were able to be useful for parents, families and communities.

we must can .......!!!
man jadda wajada.
I hope this could be a motivation for you too, Thank you :)

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