Jumat, 02 Desember 2016

"Beauty of Danau Sentarum in Kapuas Hulu"

Assalammu’alaikum wr.wb

Hello, I'm sure you already know where it came from my area, right? Yes, that right! I came from Kapuas Hulu precisely in Putussibau.

The beauty of Danau Sentarum no doubt, because so much people had been to the this Danau Sentarum. Not only local people residing in sub districts Kapuas Hulu, even people outside the region are also frequent visits to see the beauty of the flora and fauna in the Danau Sentarum and not only that, there are also foreign people who come all the way to researching this Danau Sentarum.

The natural beauty around perceived with air so fresh, rare flora and fauna still we can meet in the Danau Sentarum, one of which is the Arowana fish. Arowana fish habitat have started extinct and rare, but on the Danau Sentarum can still be encountered habitat.

I am very proud because in my area there is also a beautiful, namely Danau Sentarum. Our job as the next generation, we need to maintain the beauty of the Danau Sentarum is one of them by keeping cleanliness with is not littering.

Not only has the natural beauty of the famous, Kapuas Hulu also have special food that is famous also, namely Kerupuk Basah.
This only can I write in my blog, I hope it will illustrate to the readers of my blog How the Danau Sentarum and special food of Kapuas Hulu.

If there is time, do not forget to come to the Kapuas Hulu, Okay? :)
Thank You.

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